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مزايا تجميد تجفيف الأغذية الخام

تجميد المجفف أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة

تجميد المجفف أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة

تجميد عملية تجفيف أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة والوجبات الخفيفة

1st Step - 翻译中...
1st Step - 翻译中...

Fresh pure meat is chosen and cut into pieces without applying any other ingredients, while the fat, skin and bones are removed.

2nd Step - 翻译中...
2nd Step - 翻译中...

Freeze the meat at -32℃ to retain its nutrition.

3rd Step - 翻译中...
3rd Step - 翻译中...

Vacuum freeze-drying for 18 to 36 hours to sublimate its water, raising temperature to 72℃ for sterilization, completing the entire freeze-drying process.

4th Step - 翻译中...
4th Step - 翻译中...

Select qualified semi-finished products and remove the imperfect ones.

5th Step - 翻译中...
5th Step - 翻译中...

Package finished products, irradiate them for sterilization

No. 2 Road, North Area, Jinghai Economic Development Area, Tianjin, China +86-2268128206